
News Stories

School begins on Sep 4… Standardized Dress Code Needed!

It is with great pleasure and excitement that we begin the 2018-2019 Holy Name school year.  This year we celebrate our 50th anniversary year and we look forward to making it a memorable for all staff, students and parents.

On the first day of school, September 4, 2018, we are asking the students to proceed to the following areas indicated ... Continue reading "School begins on Sep 4… Standardized Dress Code Needed!"

Introducing…Intermediate SPLICE Week!

The Intermediate Division is proud to announce their first ever SPLICE WEEK from June 11-15.  Students will devote this entire week to one student-directed, inquiry-driven project.  Projects can take ANY form:  Construction and Building, Technology, Coding, Robotics, The Arts(visual, music, dance, drama), Culinary Arts (baking, cooking) etc.  Throughout the week, students will document their learning process ... Continue reading "Introducing…Intermediate SPLICE Week!"

Celebrating Catholic Education Week: “Renewing the Promise”

Holy Name C.E.S celebrates Catholic Education Week from May 7 – 11, 2018. We are hosting many special events this week to mark the occasion; one special event is a small celebration for Fr. Michael Martell, who will be retiring this June, 2018.  

Catholic Education Week is celebrated by Catholic communities across the province. The theme for this year’s celebration is “Renewing the ... Continue reading "Celebrating Catholic Education Week: “Renewing the Promise”"

Upper Canada DayCare Presents “Matilda” to Holy Name Students

“Matilda” is a story about finding love and happiness in a potentially cruel world.  It is about seeking out a silver lining, and believing in the magic within yourself.  On Monday, May 7th, the Before and After School Program will be performing “Matilda” at 9:30 am for JK-grade 3 and 10:45 am grade 4-8.  We look forward to this presentation and thank Upper Canada Day ... Continue reading "Upper Canada DayCare Presents “Matilda” to Holy Name Students"

Aboriginal Arts and Culture Presentation…Todd Jameison

On May 8th, our grade 5 students, will have Todd Jamieson present on Woodlands First Nations.  Each nation has its own unique culture, language and history.  He will touch on these subjects in an open question and answer style forum.  The students will also create their own woodlands style piece of art based on their personal Birth Totem.  We are looking forward having Todd share ... Continue reading "Aboriginal Arts and Culture Presentation…Todd Jameison"