Category: General
Week At A Glance: October 23-27
Week At A Glance: October 16-20
Cardinal Carter CHS Open House: Nov 1/23
Please see the attached letter (and flyer) regarding our Grade 8 visit to Cardinal Carter CHS and the Parent Open House on November 1st.
Week At A Glance: October 9-13
Dance-A-Thon Fundraiser: October 2023
Together with our Catholic School Council, we’re happy to announce our first major fundraiser of the 2023-24 school year, the Halloween Dance-A-Thon. Families and Students will raise money by collecting pledges. On Monday, October 31st all students will enjoy the day in costumes in addition to the school dance. Once all pledges are collected, students will enter a draw for various prizes. Today, students have ... Continue reading "Dance-A-Thon Fundraiser: October 2023"