Hot Lunch Program: Orders Due October 13th

Your Catholic School Council would like to inform all parents/guardians that the Hot Lunch program will start on Thursday, October 20, 2022. We will be offering hot lunch options on Thursday and Friday.

Thursday – Subway
Friday – Pizza Nova

We are excited to announce that our school will be transitioning to the YCDSB online system in Spring 2023. With that said, until we integrate into an online platform we will continue with cash/cheque payments. Once Holy Name is set up on the online system, we will no longer be accepting cash/cheque payments. We are looking forward to implementing an online payment system at Holy Name and appreciate your continued support of the hot lunch program. Hot lunch order forms have gone home with all students.  ORDER FORMS, ALONG WITH PAYMENT, MUST BE RETURNED BY THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2022.